Friday, December 30, 2011

#FlashFriday #Fictioneers "Fly on the Wall"

I love the holidays, except for a few things. One of those things is that Madison Woods took a break and didn't post her photo prompt. Imagine leaving all of us Fictioneers to suffer withdrawals! But, this week,

We're back!!

And wow, did Madison post a different kind of picture! I love it, because I've always wanted to be a fly on the wall. Now, I can buy one! Thanks, Madison!!

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall? Listen in on those conversations you aren’t supposed to hear? Catch someone in the act of doing something they shouldn’t be doing?

Super Fly Spy!

Yes, now you too, can own the futuristic spy device that allows you to eavesdrop in secret agent style.

Got a cheating spouse?
Super Fly Spy!

Want to know what someone’s been doing on the computer?
Super Fly Spy!

Afraid someone’s talking behind your back? That’s right!
Super Fly Spy to the rescue!

Hurry! Hurry! Don’t miss out. Supplies are limited!


  1. And if the fly on the wall happened to be a lawyer, this is what you might get:

  2. Cute as a bug's ear, Jan! I did like it. I'll take two.

  3. OMG! I love this! The same idea as Doug's but as an infomercial! Best Evah!

  4. Dear Jan,

    You should be in marketing. Only a matter of time until one of these things exists. I give it ten years. There's already one hummingbird sized.

    Good job, jan.



  5. Hilarious, Jan! How clever to do an infomercial. But where are the free Ginsu knives?

  6. Now this could be an interesting device to own - have you got any left?
    A great read, made me smile. Thanks.

  7. Hahahaha, loved your story! If you go into business selling the Super Fly Spy you'll become rich and famous in no time.

  8. There seemed to be a lot of potential ads this week for the bug bot. It also reminded me of the "Super Fly Guy" books my kids have read. Great!

    My Friday Flash is here:

  9. Our stories are similiar, with your product targeting a much larger market. Think BIG--I like that.

    I'm not sure I want to know what people are saying about me. Do you have any electronic ostriches?

  10. Jan, this was cute and imaginative. I don't want one, though. I'd rather not know what's going on in certain realms. Eww. :-)

    Here's mine:

  11. LOL! Great! You left out "Yours for just $19.95!" :)

  12. Great infomercial! I'd buy it! ;-)

  13. I think the overall form of the drabble as a pitch was a hoot.

    I look forward to reading more of yours.

    This is the link to mine for the week:
