Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Treasures

It seems this year more than others, I hear a flurry of "bah-humbugs" from friends and family. And, I am no different. I'm not sure why--whether it's the economy, politics and the constant bickering we hear about on a day-to-day basis, the over-commercialization of Christmas that began the day after Halloween--whatever it is, it seems to have gotten to many of us this year.

In fact, I seriously considered passing on the Christmas decorations. If it weren't for the fact my children would be coming home, I might not have put a tree up. Thank goodness I did.

Every year, when I bring out my Christmas ornaments, I am filled with memories that make me smile. When my children were young, I gave them a Christmas ornament that symbolized something that occurred over the previous year. When they moved away, I packed up their ornaments in a big box and gave it to them.

I'll admit, the first couple of Christmases following, my tree felt a little empty. But Stephen and I have carried on that tradition, and now we have our own tree full of memories. And besides, I have to admit, I kept a couple of ornaments of my kids' childhoods. Not sure if they've noticed.

Here are some of my favorites:

I've had this Mr. and Mrs. Claus for almost thirty years. When I unwrap it each year, it always makes me smile as I recall Andrea and Adam gawking inside the cozy little house lit by a single twinkle light. I like to peek inside myself.

I've had this handmade ornament for even longer. A friend who I used to work with made it. There's something about miniature "little worlds" like the one captured in this ornament. Santa laughing in the snow. How could I not smile?

This is one of my very favorites, because Andrea made it for me and gave it to me when I learned to sail "Haiku." Handmade gifts are always the best, but I've always loved the thoughtfulness and creativity of this one.

And though this is a simple little ornament, "Baby Jesus" always goes at the top of the tree, right under the star. I keeps the real meaning in perspective for me, no matter how many bah-humbugs I say throughout the season.

When I stand back and look at our tree, I see that it represents the blessings in our life. How could I ever consider not putting it up each year?

What are your favorite ornaments, and what do they mean to you? I would love to see pictures. If you'll email them to me with a description of why they're your favorites, I'll add them to my blog. Send them to me at:

jymorrill(at)   ---use @ for (at).

I hope your Christmas will be filled with lots of good memories and memories in the making, too!


  1. Ya know, Jan, contrary to what most people believe, we curmudgeons celebrate the spirit of the season too. My favorite activity is to get out the 78 RPM record of Dicken's Christmas Carol (with Basil Rathbone as Scrooge) and play it almost to the end where Scrooge repents, but turn off the record player just before that maudlin, saccharine stuff arrives.

  2. Beautiful Jan, this sounds more like you. I just couldn't visualize you as a Humbugger.

    I have so many fav ornaments that I'd fill up your entire blog! The older ones represent memories of 34 years with the love of my life, laughter of my children in days gone by. The new ones are the twinkle in my grandbabies' eyes and the delight in their laughter.

    God Bless us Everyone, even the curmudgeons!

  3. @ed_quixote - I have to say, that's hilarious. I can just picture you huddled up next to the record player, Santa hat and all. :)

    @Linda - I'm glad you can't see me as a Humbugger. :) Your spirit helped draw me out. <3!
