Saturday, December 4, 2010

Skipping Along the Path to Publication

The opening sentence of Broken Dolls: (That is, if I don't edit it again!)

Nobu knew everything had changed with those words: Japs attack Pearl Harbor. Now, it would be okay for everybody to hate the Japanese.

Yesterday, after working on Broken Dolls for three years, I held the spiral bound, completed manuscript in my hands! The weight of its 444 pages, hearing the binding crackle as I turned each page, seeing the words printed on paper rather than on a computer screen - all of it thrilled me. Most exciting was the clearer dream of seeing it published one day and the wondering of what would be on the cover.

Next comes the process of editing.

After that is completed, I have several wonderful friends and family members who have offered to read it - sleuths on a search for consistency or editing errors I may have missed in my 137 re-readings.

Then, the real fun begins - searching the crowded path for an agent. (Come out, come out, wherever you are!)

So, the work continues, but every step takes me closer toward my goal of publication.

See you at the finish line


  1. Whoo-hoo! It's a beautiful manuscript :)

  2. Thanks, Madison. I miss hearing yours - get on back to us on Thursday nights!

  3. I'm very happy for you, Jan. I know this has been a labor of love. You've done a great job molding your characters. It's a very captivating and well told story. Somebody out there would love to publish this.
